Project Room No. 3: Nathan Heilman
On view
December 16—February 18 ● Wednesday—Saturday | 1–6pm
BCA Mills Gallery, 551 Tremont St., Boston, MA 02116
Masks are required.
This is the third show in Boston Center for the Arts’ Project Room Exhibition Series at the Mills Gallery, which features work by BCA Studio Residency Artists, artists who have studios and are part of a three-year residency in our Artist Studios Building.
Opening Reception
Friday, December 16 | 6–9pm
During the public reception for Project Room No. 3: Nathan Heilman, visitors will also be able to see Mimi Bai: HIDE AND SEE in the main gallery space. The BCA Artist Studios Building will also be open for exploration. Visit any and all four floors next door and visit some BCA studio residents and their studios. Please RSVP.
Artist Statement
In my work, I explore those moments that exist in the periphery of our storytelling. Those quiet exchanges that occur when we’re disarmed by the comfort and familiarity of our own domestic space. Often using materials found on the battlefield, which come imbued with a specific history, in juxtaposition to those found within the everyday domestic, I create art that maintains essential truths while simultaneously questioning autobiography and authenticity. The means are, necessarily, minimal as I seek to create a balance of physical tension while working materials that are seemingly at rest.
Nathan Heilman is a Boston-based artist born in Everett, WA. After serving more than a decade in the Marine Corps at the height of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, he pursued the arts receiving degrees in poetry, which he credits for his sculptural edits, as well as studio arts and is a graduate of the Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MFA 2020). Nathan is currently a Studio Resident at Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA.