Image: FaceMe Studios

Yohansy Garcia

2022-2023 ACTivate Residency

Yohansy started his career in an unconventional way, despite being a published photographer with over 11 years of experience. 7 Canon T3i cameras were presented to him at an offer he couldn’t pass and leverage a return on his investment. One thing about Yohansy is that he is a creative hustler and doesn’t pass up on any opportunity! He had one last camera to sell and a woman refused to purchase, yet insisted on hiring him for a sweet 15. This ignited his curiosity and entrepreneurial spirit, which led him to the bathroom… To capture running water that is! Mastering stop motion, lighting and portraits are skills that have been nurtured since 2011 through camera clubs and self-teaching tools such as Creative Live, Kelby1 and YouTube. The humbling days of his basement studio has only expanded his visions and propelled him into spaces and genres beyond photography. Y.Garcia Personalized Embellishments houses all his artistic endeavors such as screen printing, embroidery, and set designing to give his clients lasting memorable keepsakes. You can find Yohansy at FaceMe Studios located in Dorchester to support, educate, and inspire new photographers with resources and tools he once lacked.

FaceMe:BODY ACTivate Residency Project

FaceMe Studios is a collective that curates intentional art surrounding current societal challenges. Their first iteration, FaceMe:BODY focuses on body dysmorphia and the women that are affected by the standards of beauty. The collective will gather the experience through still images, documentary still footage, immersive experience, and data in hope to shift our judgements and the way we connect in the world.

Throughout their residency in the Cyclorama, FaceMe will be hosting a series of photo shoots, conversations, and rehearsals then presenting the images in large format throughout the space during a gallery showing on Sunday August 8th at 4pm. Work developed during this residency will be featured in their performance at The Strand Theater in September.