Pride month may be over, but that doesn’t mean the celebration has to end!
Friday, July 9th at 6:45pm
From Stonewall Inn in 1969 to the Trans Resistance March in Boston on June 12, 2021, Black trans women and non-binary people have led the vanguard on the path toward a true freedom- one that is intersectional and layered. But the Pride Movement has whitewashed both history and the present.
#PrideExtended, an initiative founded by Mercedes Loving-Manley, is a benefit festival and mutual aid initiative highlighting Black trans and non-binary talent with live performances and film screenings. It honors Black trans and non-binary ancestors and contemporary experiences by advocating for the TLGBQ+ community.
As the culminating event in our yearlong exhibition project Combahee’s Radical Call, we invite you to join us for a night of conversation and performances that center the Black trans and non-binary experience. Panelists Dykee Gorrell, Noelle Deleon and Desi will discuss what future spaces for Black trans women and femmes look like. What does it mean to manifest security while remaining vigilant? How can the community at-large better serve the TLGBQ+ community?
Performance from Portland-based artist Lady Tournament conclude the night’s programming.
Featured Artist
Mercédes Loving-Manley is the founder of #PrideExtended, which encompasses her interdisciplinary practice of performance, filmmaking, curating, community organizing and Black Trans advocacy. She is currently the Arts & Cultural Organizing Fellow at Boston Ujima Project and an Outreach Peer at Boston GLASS. Recent artistic credits include: Crumbs from the Table of Joy, 2017-2019 (Assistant Director) and The World and Then Some, 2019-2021 (Writer, Director, Editor)
Follow @prideextended
Dykee Gorrell – Data scientist, technologist, and researcher
Noelle Deleon – Interdisciplinary artist, writer and archivist
Desi Hall – Organizer, non-profit professional, lecturer
Generous Support
#Pride Extended Fest is presented as part of Boston Center for the Arts’ Combahee’s Radical Call: Black Feminisms (re)Awaken Boston, organized by co-curators Arielle Gray, Cierra Peters and Jen Mergel and made possible with funding by the New England Foundation for the Arts’ Public Art for Spatial Justice Program, with funding from The Barr Foundation. This project is also supported by grants from the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation and the Krupp Family Foundation funds to the Curatorial Network Accelerator of Boston.
This program is funded in part by Mass Humanities, which receives support from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and is an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
#PRIDEEXTENDED FEST would not be possible without the collaborative efforts of the Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston and WBUR, and support from New England Foundation for the Arts and Print Ain’t Dead.