Leonard Tshitenge (he/him), born in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa, is a multi-talented leader, award-winning certified poet, and recognized by the Boston Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture. He brings a unique perspective to the arts, blending Spoken Word, Creative Writing, and Multidisciplinary Arts to tackle issues of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and social justice affecting communities of color, including African Diaspora populations.
With a professional background in psychology, leadership psychology, and a strong understanding of cross-cultural issues and emotional intelligence, Leonard promotes the use of artistic approaches in mental health and organizational development. He leverages his expertise in psychology to encourage the use of the arts in businesses, with a focus on improving organizational development, community building, and advancing the causes of social justice and racial equity.
Trilingual and highly skilled in connecting with audiences, Leonard’s mission is to foster community building and to encourage the use of the artistic expression as a tool for mental wellness, personal growth, and social change.