My ceramics education began at Interlochen Arts Academy Interlochen, MI; Massachusetts College of Art Boston, MA and the Ceramics Program at Office for the Arts, Harvard located in Allston, MA. Currently, I instruct classes in both my studio and at MIT, where I guide students to value technique and how to troubleshoot numerous aspects of the creative process. I follow the tradition of “teacher and artist” as I strive to create ceramics that invite use.
I describe my work as a combination of both wheel thrown and altered stoneware techniques. I’m inspired by numerous potters, both American and British who have emerged from the Leach legacy. My attention is drawn to an object’s form and the utilitarian aspects that may reference another place and time. I admire rural pottery traditions such as the honest approach of English country slipware and the spontaneous surface gesture of Japanese Onda Yaki. Contrary to the perceived limitations of the electric kiln, I aim to create bold, functional forms that are oxidation fired with glazes formulated to show depth and surface variation.
Currently I am working on numerous glaze tests; trying to perfect an elusive color that requires specific firing and cooling profiles. I can always be found elbows deep making over sized, botanically inspired forms and large covered vessels.
ASB Studio resident since 2002.