Liv At Sea centers around Liv, a young woman at a crossroads. She’s doing just fine; steady job, a solid partner, a typical life in the city. But when sparks fly during a chance encounter with a stranger, she’s left wondering how to feed a flame without burning everything else to the ground. Liv At Sea is a love story about open hearts, broken promises and the choice of a lifetime.
Rent our spaces
BCA offers deeply discounted rehearsal, performance, and event space to individual artists, non-profit organizations, and performing arts companies.
Renting a venue on our campus directly supports our artist residencies, exhibitions, and public programs.
To learn more about how to rent our rehearsal and performance spaces, contact the BCA Venue Rentals Team at 617.456.1138 or theatrerentals@bostonarts.org. To learn more about renting the Cyclorama, contact cycloramasales@bostonarts.org.