Boston Dancemaker Residency grantee Laura Sánchez seeks collaborators for her project AFTER DARK. This multimodal production combines flamenco dance with expressive movement, poetry, visual art and drama to create awareness around mental health and motherhood during Covid 19. Her upcoming production will take place at the Mills Gallery at BCA in June 2022.
The first chapter of this project started during COVID quarantine in the form of a short dance film, AFTER DARK. As a continuation of this work, Laura is looking for artists of all styles, abilities, and ages to participate.
This project includes multiple PAID opportunities.
The arc of Laura’s project includes the creation of a video collage with self-identified women and movers of all styles, abilities, and ages sharing stories of motherhood. You do not need to be a mother to participate. If selected, your video will be projected at the Mills Gallery at BCA during the Dancemakers Residency Showcase in June as an element in a video collage and a $50 stipend will be provided. There is also the possibility of being invited to create a new video piece for this project with more resources and financial support.
- Videos should be between 30 seconds and 3 minutes in length.
- Send videos in Youtube or Vimeo format only.
- Dancers can be based anywhere in the world.
- Submit video via this form by March 31, 2022.
ABOUT THE PROJECT from Laura Sánchez
I am Laura Sánchez, flamenco dancer, expressive artist, mother and creator. I am looking for collaborators for my next multidisciplinary production, AFTER DARK, which combines flamenco dance with expressive movement, poetry, visual art and drama to create awareness about mental health and motherhood during COVID.
The first chapter of this project began in the form of a short dance film, AFTER DARK. This is an expressive arts project based on my experiences as an artist, woman, trauma survivor, and mother of my first child, who found hope in the arts in the midst of losing myself during pandemic quarantine.
The next chapter of this experimental work and the main arc of the June project focuses on the lights and shadows of motherhood. A few months ago, I became the mother to a second child, who suffered a severe brain injury at birth. My idea of motherhood and life in general has been transforming in significant ways. I am still reconstructing the pieces of my soul and redefining my identity as a mother and dancer.
I invite other self-identified women from all ages and abilities to accompany me during this transformational process. This explorative creative work aims to create a chorus of motherhood in which we all can feel supported, embraced, and empowered by each other because regardless of our motherhood story, we are on this journey together.